Avadhoota Datta Peetham Ashram

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum velit, molestie at neque eget, scelerisque suscipit turpis. Vestibulum sed lobortis lorem. Nulla luctus urna ut pulvinar lobortis. Cras placerat augue interdum tellus aliquam, ac cursus sem tempor. Praesent faucibus ante id nulla dignissim volutpat. Praesent scelerisque sollicitudin libero et maximus. Sed fringilla turpis vitae…

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Stardust and Magenta Flowers

Many years ago, I thought about writing a book about spiritual awakening. I had no idea what to write or how to describe such an event that is frequently recommended as the healing salve for our ills, the answer to our bad habits and compulsive behaviors, and the bedrock of character development, which hopefully takes…

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